Monday, August 15, 2005


I have so many posts sitting in draft hell waiting to be brought to light, that I thought I would throw something up until I can make my thoughts and writing line up. So I have a few questions for my 5 daily readers. So answer...the pressure is on! (Well, it's on me to prove I actually have 5 readers.)

Q: When is a good time for a couple to have children? Please include with your answer whether or not you are married, how many children you have and how long you waited to have children if you have them.

Q: If you are married, do (did) you or your spouse initially want kids?

Q: How much did you (do you plan to) talk about children with your significant other?

Q: What is your favourite colour?

If you do not want to answer in comments just email me with the subject Questionaire


Anonymous said...

I am not married and I have no children.

When is a good time for a couple to have children?

While you are young and healthy. The younger you are when you have children, the more time you get to spend with them.

How much do I plan to talk about children with my significant other?

Some. It depends on how far apart we are on the issue.

What is my favorite color?


Anonymous said...

See my blog.

No, just kidding.

A: I would recommend enjoying at least 2-3 years of childless married life before starting on a child. You'll miss it when it's gone, and besides, you need to be secure and comfortable with who you are as a married couple before you throw a third person into the equation. I got married young, but I believe this is good advice even if you get married later in life. (married with 1.2 children, waited two years before trying to get pregnant which took another year)

A: Yes, we both wanted to have kids...I wanted to have them "down the road;" she wanted to have them "today if possible."

A: As the previous answer might suggest, it was a frequent topic of discussion...but seldom a real problem between us. :)

A: Black. And I appreciate the unamerican spelling.

Anonymous said...

Black's not a color. And I didn't 'preciate the unpatriotic spelling...terrorist.

This Girl said...

you're married to a terrorist

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't that be terrourist?

This Girl said...


Anonymous said...

Why is terrour any more unlikely than favour?

This Girl said...

The first time I saw terror in print, it was spelled terror. The first time I saw favour in print, it was favour. not favor. so, no.