Friday, September 08, 2006

Happy Anniversary

Star Trek is 40.

Oprah is 20... the show, not the woman. So is Aliens (the movie, not the beings)

I,and Charlie's Angels (again, the television show, not the women, no matter what they wanted us to think at the Emmys), am 30.

To many round numbers.

It's crazy when the things you loved age you. I remember watching Oprah as a youngster. It didn't seem so long ago, a few seasons, but suddenly it's 20 years that she's being doing this. And what have I been doing? Following a dream, long deferred by time or my stubborn indifference. Time is not a shallow river, or slow moving, but swift and dangerous. Will I be safe in the transport I've chosen, or will it be dashed against the rocks, spilling me and all my efforts unmercifully into the rapids? But I'll be alright. I've chosen this course when I could have stayed on the ground. I picked this option when it was put before me. I'll accept the consequences be it journey's end or a bruising soak. There will be no drowning. I've got my life vest and enough sense to hold my breath if I go under.


Anonymous said...

I hate oprah... she started off well, but then she made dr. phil famous and started trying to have at least one crying guest on every day, and i decided to loathe her.

As for the meat of the story, I feel it. 27 doesnt sound like much, but father and husband and soon-to-be father of two... jeez that sounds like i need to wear my pants much higher and start walking around the mall in the mornings. time doesnt stand still. it doesnt even go slow enough to catch the scenery most of the time. time is dubbed 'father time' for a reason. time is easily compared to the dad that is so worried about "the schedule" that he doesnt stop to look at any of the attractions along the way on the family vacation... he doesnt even want to stop long enough for us to pee and grab a soda.

rant complete.

Anonymous said...

When Oprah first came on the air I was working at Zayre. I used to feud in the break room with people who wanted to see her, I wanted to watch Thundercats on another station at the same time.

This Girl said...

bigben - I hear that. I was watching the football show after the news on Fox the other night, something almost so negligible that I shouldn't remember it, but I saw some of the high school girls cheering in a crowd shot and felt kind of a time stretch... well, let's see, you know when you're watching a movie or tv show where they pull the camera back physically and zoom out... Hitchcock was the master of this with falling shots... anyway, it feels like things are closing in and getting smaller, even though the camera is moving back... that's the age difference I felt when I realized that I was just that high school girl and now I'm at least a third way through my life, half way if I'm less lucky. It's all so crazy. Yeah, and I still feel like a kid since I don't have the responsibility of children, so I couldn't imagine being this old and then having a child with one on the way. Yeah, I'm getting up early tomorrow and walk around before all the other old people who can outrun me get there. *grin*