Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Since we've moved to our new apartment, I've been afraid to bake. I love baking, but my oven temperature has been unreliable. I discovered, after I'd tried and failed at making a standard cake, a cake I've made so many times that I could do it with my eyes closed, that my oven cooked too hot. I've been working, over the last few months, to figure out how to get it just right. So I'm trying my hand at the cake again (3rd time).

What prompted me to write, though, is how much I like uncooked dough. I made cookies last weekend and they came out okay, which was the first time for them. I ate more dough than I baked, I think. So I've been eating cake dough as I wait to see if this one will do well. It's really good. I might only have a smaller cake if I eat the second half before the first half cooks. I love cake! I love dough!

1 comment:

This Girl said...

The cake, alas, did not come out well. Darnit, what am I doing wrong? Should I treat baking here like I'm at a higher altitude? This is beginning to suck. I love to bake and this experience is taking it out of me.