Saturday, February 18, 2006


I've been interested in Lost since the first season, but I never got a chance to watch it, since I work nights and don't have Tivo or a DVR.

I'm a loser.

Anyway, fortunately for me, Lost released the first season on DVD shortly before the second season started. I came home from work and for 4 days all I watch is Lost Season 1. It was pretty darned good, so when the 2nd season started, I was waiting expectantly. My husband, however, was not. He watched the first three episodes and thought the show was awful. Then, somehow, he convinced himself to watch the first season. He did and it changed his life.

Every Thursday is Lost day... not because it comes on Thursday, but because iTunes Music Store sells the episodes so that we never have to miss a show again. Yes, we are a day later than everyone else in the world who watches it on Wednesday, but we get to see it relatively soon, versus getting it on video. I have the entire first season and all the current episodes on my iPod now. I have been listening to Lost podcasts to get into all the theories, because I have my own theories.

What I hate is I never see the clues that everyone else sees. It's slightly irritating. But only slightly. Because now I can just go back and watch the episode. It's exhilirating. But what I hate about it is that I have to wait once I'm done with the current episode. The one thing I like about being able to buy whole seasons on iTunes Music Store (iTMS) is that I can watch it at my leisure. I wish I had the patience to wait until the season was done. I could watch it all at once and when an episode begs me to wait impatiently for the next show, I would like to be able to click the "next" arrow and see it. That's what I did with Arrested Development... well, not for my iPod, just for my computer.

Speaking of Arrested Development, did anyone see the season finale? It was soooo funny. I hope they continue the show in some form. It would be really interesting if they did an online show. It would be interesting if they did a show on cable television... I wonder if iTMS would get the show. If it would, I would be spending hard earned money downloading it. I love technology.

Ah well, I had something much more intelligent to say about Arrested Development. No, I didn't. But I'd like to think I did.


Anonymous said...

You too? It's not that bad, I guess, but you realize it's just trying to be what X-Files was at the beginning.

This Girl said...

We're watching the first season of the X-Files now. I wasn't into it when it came out in 93... It's an interesting show and I know it was wildly popular and I must admit, I like the alien stuff much better than the monster of the week stuff, but I think that after watching the writing on the shows it inspired, I'm finding it hard to connect to it on the same level as I would have connected to it in 93.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has their bias, I suppose, and mine is that I lived in Vancouver for the period that X-Files was being shot there. I loved recognizing the locales in the show. Anyway, I love Chris Carter's writing and I think the other writers on the show did good work also. The dynamic tension between characters and the way the answers were always just out of reach...that's what made the X-Files amazing, and it's why Lost reminds me so much of it. They do the same things well.