Friday, February 03, 2006

Walking Around Barnes and Noble

I was walking around Barnes and Noble earlier today and I saw a guy who looked pregnant walking around too. I was trying to figure out what he was wearing and a thought came to me.

If you're walking around wearing something whose only description is a "greatcoat", you are a nerd.

Then I thought:
If you know what a "greatcoat" is, you are a nerd.



Anonymous said...

poor guy! what's a greatcoat? a big trench coat?

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with being a nerd? You against nerds or something?

This Girl said...

no, just another dawning realization

Anonymous said...

I had to look up greatcoat to see what it is.

I'm still much more of a geek than a nerd.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was pregnant...

It happened to Arnold Schwarzenegger once...