Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Day 15 - Nanowrimo

I just caught up to day 6. I have to come up with characters for something my husband and I are doing with a bunch of people from his job. I am meeting with a class of fifth graders in a few hours and thursday to convince them that writing is more than punctuation and that you can write without the internal editor on (I say, even though I can't stand to see the little red and green lines under my words when I'm writing and when my husband asks me what I think of something he's written, I immediately start doing the grammar check, yet somehow I seem not to be bothered by incorrect words in my own writing {i.e. blogging} - although I'm sure I'll change "graft paper journal" to "graph paper journal" one of these days).

Right now I've been up far too long and the Royal Tenenbaums soundtrack is doing wonders for helping me fall asleep. 3000 word or more tomorrow is my battle cry.

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