Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Mike bought us a king sized bed yesterday. This morning at 3am, we went to Wally World to buy king sized bed sheets. We took them home and put them on our king sized bed. Then we went to sleep in our king sized bed and woke this morning refreshed. Neither one of us had awakened in the middle of the night to complain about who was stealing the covers, or who was taking up my side of the bed or who was making whom hot. It was one of the most marvelous waking up experience that I've ever had. But that headboard... we've got to get that thing fixed!


Anonymous said...

Yep, the honeymoon is definitely over. Forget about the cozy bed that's perfect for cuddling, get the giant bed and be happy that nobody takes your covers.

This Girl said...

oh, you'd be surprised just how much having a bigger bed keeps the honeymoon going!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was about to die of a sleeping heat stroke...honeymoon over.